Thursday, November 15, 2007

Welcome to the First Families Blog

Greetings Everyone,

Welcome to the FPCB Families Blog. This is a medium for us to stay connected in a busy world. Our hour and a half on Sundays is just too short to get the kind of spiritual shot and communal support that we need to make it through the week. We started one of these blogs last year for our youth and it's been a good way to check in with each other and to share ideas about the world and how to respond to it from a spiritual perspective.

My hope is to regularly post ideas and reflections on how to make a spiritual home for your children. If you chose to subscribe, an email will notify you when there is new material on this site. You may access it when you are able. You will only receive one email notification a week. Although I will be managing the material for this blog, I invite you to post comments to any thoughts I post, by clicking on the "post a comment" cue below each section. Longer thoughts can be shared with me by email.

Start our "post-Sunday" interactions now, and fill out the polls to the left.

Peace be with you,
Rev. Beth

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