Dear Parents and Friends of FPCB Families,
We have been experiencing new growth for the past three years in our Sunday school and youth programs. November and December is an exciting time of year as all the children that have been blessed by our program come together (in record numbers) to practice and perform our original Christmas pageants. We've had so much interest, that each year, we've had to make more costumes to fit the growing numbers, ages, and creativity of the kids participating. (This year, over twenty kids volunteered for solo speaking or singing parts!).
With so much growth and excitement, it's a good time to look ahead to our future. Advent is when the church celebrates the season of anticipation and prepares for the new life to come. In other words, it's a great time to hold a meeting! On Sunday, December 2, 2007, at 10:00am, you, the parents, get to join in all the preparations. While your kids are rehearsing in the sanctuary with Amy, you will be visioning and planning the next five years with me in the gym.
Before you attend (and its' important that everyone does), please fill out the polls in the left column. If your feelings and opinions are more complex than multiple choice (as most of ours are), please feel free to post a comment below or email me at and please bring your thoughts to the meeting so we can work on strategy and support with each other.
Shalom, Rev. Beth